دکتر سیدجواد نصیری
مهارت ها
فعالیت ها
                   NAME :       S.JAVAD NASSIRI                                 
           DATE OF BIRTH:       22/Mar/1951                                     
          PLACE OF BIRTH:       VARAMIN - IRAN                                  
          MARITAL STATUS:       MARRIED                                         
               EDUCATION:       Preliminary school:  Sept. 1958 - 1964          
             High school:       sept. 1964 - 1970          
         Medical school :       sept. 1970 - 1976          
             EXPERIENCES:       a. Rotating intership June 1976 - 1977          
                                   Hospitals of isfahan University              
                                b. General Surgical Residency :                 
                                   Department of Surgery TEHRAN
                                   Feb. 1981 - 1985                             
                                c. Pediatric Surgical Residency:                
                                         TEHRAN University Mar.1987 - 1990            
                                d. Pediatric Surgery Intensive Care Course      
                                   GRAZ University , AUSTRIA :                  
                                   Oct. 1990 - Oct. 1991                        
          QUALIFICATIONS:       a. M.D. June 1978 ISFAHAN University - IRAN.    
                                b. Iranian Board of General Surgery
                                c. Iranian Board of Pediatric surgery
           Sep. 1992.
          POSITIONS HELD:       a. As a G.P. in IRAN AIR FORCE Hospital,        
                                   June 1977 - 1979.                            
                                b. Supervisor of the health Organization of     
                                   VARAMIN, June 1979 - Feb.1981 .              
                                c. As an Assistant of Professor in ZAHEDAN      
                                   Medical School, since Nov. 1991 .            
                                d. Chief of the Faculty of Medicine of ZAHEDAN  
                                   University , Mar.1993 -Jul.1995.             
                                e. Responsible of Community Oriented Medical    
                                   Education of Zahedan Medical School (COME),  
                                   Since October 1995.                          
                                f. Chief of General Surgery Ward of Khatam      
                                   Hospital of Zahedan Medical School,since     
  g. Chief of the Aliasghar children Hospital, Iran
     University of Medical Sciences, since 2004
  h. Member of Iranian Pediatric Surgery Board.
  i. Member of Strategic planning of Pediatric
     Surgery Program in Iran.
  j. Associated editor of Iranian Journal of
     Surgery since 2001.
  k. Associated editor of Surgical Literature
     Digest, Published Bimonthly by Iranian Academy
     of medical Sciences, Since 2009.
  l. Member of designing of Pediatric Surgery
     educational Curriculum.
        PUBLICATIONS:        1. "An etiologic Hypothesis of Ileo-Colic       
                                  Intussusception and its management".          
                                  Medical publication of IRAN AIR FORCE,       
                             2. A retrospective   study  of 315  cases  of 
                                Imperforate Anus. Presented in Ebne-Sina     
                                Surgical Congress in IRAN 1989.
                             3. Risk factors and severity indices in necro-  
                                tizing enterocolitis.Schober PH, Nassiri J;   
                                ACTA PAEDIATRICA,VOL.83,49-52 ;1994.
                             4. Is routine chest x-ray necessary in patients 
                                more than 40 years of age before elective    
                                surgeries. presented in Congress of IRANIAN  
                                COLLEGE OF SURGEONS,1995.
                             5. Monometry and PH Metry in GERD ,presented    
                                in the Iranian Pediatric Congress,Nov.11-15  
                             6. Outcome prediction of 15-75 years old patients
  with multiple trauma in the first hour of
  admission to emergency department. S.J. Nassiri
  MD, A. Khaknejad MD;Journal of Medical Council
  of Islamic Republic of Iran, Vol.17,no.3,185-
     7. Survey on the relationship between Ponderal
  Coefficient and Neonatal Asphyxia with Amniotic
  Fluid emmerced in meconium. Zahra Moudi, Nassiri
  MD, Javadzadeh MD, Asrar;Journal of Sabzevar
  faculty of medical sciences, no.3, 1380(2001).
     8. Contralateral exploration is not mandatory in
        unilateral inguinal hernia in children:
        a prospective 6-year study. S.j. Nassiri, vol 18,
        Number 5-6.september2002
     9. Surgical intervention in a patient with Byler
        Syndrome (progressive familial intrahepatic
        cholestasis),a case report, presented in 20th
            Congress of Asian Association of Pediatric
        Surgeons(AAPS)Nov. 12-15, 2006.
    10. Management of Klippel-Trenauny Syndrome with
        multiple organ Involvement. Journal of Indian
        Assoc Pediatr Surg, Jan –Mar 2007, vol 12,
    10. Result of fourteen years experience in surgical
        management of vesicourethral reflux in an
        educational children hospital , presented in 21th
        Congress of Asian Association of Pediatric
        Surgeons, Nov. 16 -19, 2008.
    11. Correlation between serum basic level of
        fibroblast growth factor and severity of vesico-
        ureteral reflux, registered in Iran University of
        Medical Sciences, finished April 2010, not
        published yet
      LANGUAGE SKILL:        I can speek ,read and wrrite English.           
          REFERENCES:        1. Dr. MEHRABI V.,Professor of pediatric Surgery
                                Chairman of Pediatric Surgery
                                Department,TEHRAN Univrsity.
                             2. Dr. HEDAYAT Professor of General Surgery      
                                Chairman of Surgery Department,TEHRAN university.                                  
                             3. Professor Sauer ,Professor of pediatric      
                                surgery Chief of KINDERCHIRURGI KLINIK       
                                of GRAZ Universtity - Austria.
                             4. Dr. Schober PH,pediatrician , neonatal       
                                Intensivist,and chief of Intensive Care Unit 
                                KINDERCHIRURGI KLINIK,GRAZ University Austria.
     5. Dr. H. Shahriari, Professor of
        ophthalmology,Department of Ophtalmology,
        Zahedan University of Medical Sciences
                             5. Dr. M. Tabatabaee,chief of Zahedan University of
                                Medical Sciences.