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عنوان |
نگارندگان |
عنوان مجله |
سال انتشار |
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نوع مقاله |
1 |
Global 30-day outcomes after bariatric surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic (GENEVA): an international cohort study |
Singhal, R.---Tahrani, A.A.---Ludwig, C.---Mahawar, K.---Abou-Mrad-Fricquegnon, A.---Alasfur, A.---Alexandrou, A.---Barbosa, A.---Bashir, A.---Bosco, A.---Charalabopoulos, A.---Curell, A.---Davarpanah Jazi, A.---Diego, A.---Elghandour, A.---Ergin, A.---Garcia, A.---Ghazal, A.---Haddad, A.---Ibarzábal, A.---Khazraji, A.---Lale, A.---Lázaro, A.---Leyva-Alvizo, A.---Liagre, A.---Maleckas, A.---Osman, A.---Pantelis, A.---Pazouki, A.---Plamper, A.---Raziel, A.---Rizzi, A.---Sanchez, A.---Sharma, A.---Spaventa, A.---Sumer, A.---Torres, A.---Türkçapar, A.---Ugale, A.---Velikorechin, A.---Vitiello, A.---Alkhaffaf, B.---Bomans, B.---Ammori, B.J.---Pares, B.---Smeu, B.---Zilberstein, B.---Boeker, C.---Brodén, C.---Copaescu, C.---Guevara, C.---Güldoğan, C.---Kirkil, C.---Matthys, C.---Nagliati, C.---Parmar, C.---Trindade, C.---Vaz, C.---Wietzycoski, C.---Zerrweck, C.---Bedi, D.---de Marchi, D.---Faraj, D.---Foschi, D.---Goitein, D.---Hazzan, D.---Lapatsanis, D.---Mazza, D.---Mohammed, D.---Padilla-Armendariz, D.---Pennisi, D.---Pham, D.---Pournaras, D.---Swank, D.---Thakkar, D.---Baena, E.---Baili, E.---Bastos, E.---Dilektasli, E.---Hazebroek, E.---Kaplan, E.---Lopes, E.---Manno, E.---Pinotti, E.---Sdralis, E.---Barrera-Rodriguez, F.---Cantu, F., Jr.---Frattini, F.---Martini, F.---Berardi, G.---Cesana, G.---Dapri, G.---Dinescu, G.---Juglard, G.---Martinez de Aragon, G.---Menaldi, G.---Ören, G.---Pavone, G.---Rana, G.---Vrakopoulou, G.---Aboshanab, H.---Al-Momani, H.---Balamoun, H.---Çiyiltepe, H.---de Vasconcelos Cunha, H.---Elghadban, H.---Gislason, H.---Hamed, H.---Heneghan, H.---Ibrahim, H.---Melali, H.---Reyes, H.---Sebbag, H.---Hakami, I.---Hutopila, I.---Balibrea, J.---Bernardo, J.---Campos, J.---Chevallier, J.---Dargent, J.---Estrada, J.---Gonzalez, J.---Hewes, J.---Himpens, J.---Mall, J.---Monterrubio, J.---Pasquier, J.---Albanopoulos, K.---Bartosiak, K.---Kaseja, K.---Kumar, K.---Rheinwalt, K.---Shah, K.---van de Pas, K.---Angrisani, L.---Benuzzi, L.---Chong, L.---Layani, L.---Lee, L.---Level, L.---Taylor, L.---Zinai, L.---Akbaba, M.---Alejandro, M.---Altarawni, M.---Beisani, M.---Bertrand, M.---Cantu, M.---Dincer, M.---Elbanna, M.---Elfawal, M.---Focquet, M.---Forero, M.---Hadad, M.---Hii, M.---Iovino, M.---Islam, M.---Josa, M.---Kaplan, M.---Kermansaravi, M.---Khaitan, M.---Kizilkaya, M.---Kotowski, M.---Montouri, M.---Musella, M.---Narwaria, M.---Navarro, M.---Niazi, M.---Özmen, M.---Qassem, M.---Romeijn, M.---Said, M.---Salman, M.---Solovyeva, M.---Takieddine, M.---Uccelli, M.---Ustun, M.---Valeti, M.---Walędziak, M.---Arora, N.---Dukkipati, N.---Fearon, N.---Kiran, N.---Paleari, N.---Sakran, N.---Silva, N.---Tartaglia, N.---Savas, O.---Şen, O.---Viveiros, O.---Fabbri, P.---García, P.---Major, P.---Martinez, P.---Martinez Duartez, P.---Salminen, P.---Shah, P.---Gadani, R.---Gokay, R.---Gudaityte, R.---Kassir, R.---Liem, R.---Mohan, R.---Palma, R.---Quinino, R.---Ribeiro, R.---Vilallonga, R.---Arana-Garza, S.---Chiappetta, S.---Davakis, S.---Ghareeb, S.---Gregorio, S.---Khaldi, S.---Martinez, S.---Okkema, S.---Olmi, S.---Ortiz, S.---Pinango, S.---Shah, S.---Shahabi, S.---Taha, S.---Ugale, S.---Barreiro, T.---Beck, T.---Poghosyan, T.---Samarkandy, T.---Yigit, T.---Borrelli, V.---Bottino, V.---Marco, V.---Ormando, V.---Pol, V.---Sierra Esteban, V.---Valentí, V.---Leclercq, W.---Souza, W.---Vening, W.---Vleeschouwers, W.---van der Burgh, Y.---GENEVA collaborators--- |
The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology |
2021 |
مقاله کامل |
مقاله کامل |
2 |
1-Year Follow-up of Single Anastomosis Sleeve Ileal (SASI) Bypass in Morbid Obese Patients: Efficacy and Concerns |
Kermansaravi, M.---Kabir, A.---Pazouki, A.--- |
Obesity Surgery |
2020 |
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3 |
Herpes Zoster as a Rare Etiology of Abdominal Pain After Sleeve Gastrectomy: a Case Report |
Karami, R.---Kermansaravi, M.--- |
Obesity Surgery |
2020 |
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4 |
Vertebral Artery Dissection After Sleeve Gastrectomy: a Case Report |
Daryabari, S.N.---Akhoundi, F.H.---Aghajani, E.---Kermansaravi, M.--- |
Obesity Surgery |
2020 |
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5 |
Bariatric Surgical Practice During the Initial Phase of COVID-19 Outbreak |
Aminian, A.---Kermansaravi, M.---Azizi, S.---Alibeigi, P.---Safamanesh, S.---Mousavimaleki, A.---Rezaei, M.T.---Faridi, M.---Mokhber, S.---Pazouki, A.---Safari, S.--- |
Obesity Surgery |
2020 |
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6 |
Association between hiatal hernia and gastroesophageal reflux symptoms after one-anastomosis/mini gastric bypass |
Kermansaravi, M.---Kabir, A.---Mousavimaleki, A.---Pazouki, A.--- |
Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases |
2020 |
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7 |
The role of alimentary and biliopancreatic limb length in outcomes of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass |
Darabi, S.---Pazouki, A.---Hosseini-Baharanchi, F.S.---Kabir, A.---Kermansaravi, M.--- |
Wideochirurgia I Inne Techniki Maloinwazyjne |
2020 |
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مقاله کامل |
8 |
Hemoperitoneum due to bleeding from a vein overlying a subserous uterine myoma: A case report |
Rokhgireh, S.---Kashi, A.M.---Kermansaravi, M.---Tajbakhsh, B.---Allahqoli, L.---Alkatout, I.---Khodaverdi, S.--- |
Journal of Medical Case Reports |
2020 |
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9 |
Liver Lobe Necrosis after Laparoscopic Revisional Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: a Case Report |
Kermansaravi, M.---Rezvani, M.--- |
Obesity Surgery |
2020 |
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10 |
Single Anastomosis Sleeve Ileal (SASI) Bypass: Patient Selection |
Kermansaravi, M.---Kabir, A.--- |
Obesity Surgery |
2020 |
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11 |
Incarcerated Umbilical Hernia: A Rare Etiology of Early Bowel Obstruction After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass—A Case Report |
Kordy, M.---Kermansaravi, M.---Mousavimaleki, A.---Rezvani, M.--- |
Obesity Surgery |
2020 |
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12 |
Colon Cancer After One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass: a Case Report |
Atarodi, H.---Karami, R.---Aghajani, E.---Kermansaravi, M.---Pazouki, A.--- |
Obesity Surgery |
2020 |
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13 |
Changes in Body Composition and Biochemical Parameters Following Laparoscopic One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass: 1-Year Follow-Up |
Zamaninour, N.---Pazouki, A.---Kermansaravi, M.---Seifollahi, A.---Kabir, A.--- |
Obesity Surgery |
2020 |
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14 |
Weight loss after one-anastomosis/mini-gastric bypass - The impact of biliopancreatic limb: A retrospective cohort study |
Kermansaravi, M.---Pishgahroudsari, M.---Kabir, A.---Abdolhosseini, M.---Pazouki, A.--- |
Journal of Research in Medical Sciences |
2020 |
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15 |
Changes in gut microbial flora after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy and their effects on post-operative weight loss |
Karami, R.---Kermansaravi, M.---Pishgahroudsari, M.---Talebi, M.---Mohammadzadeh, N.---Pazouki, A.--- |
Updates in Surgery |
2020 |
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مقاله کامل |
16 |
Can Omentopexy Reduce the Incidence of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy |
Nosrati, S.S.---Pazouki, A.---Sabzikarian, M.---Pakaneh, M.---Kabir, A.---Kermansaravi, M.--- |
Obesity Surgery |
2020 |
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17 |
Revisional surgery after one anastomosis/mini gastric bypass: A narrative review |
Kermansaravi, M.---Mahawar, K.---Davarpanah Jazi, A.---Eghbali, F.---Kabir, A.---Pazouki, A.--- |
Journal of Research in Medical Sciences |
2020 |
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18 |
One Anastomosis/Mini-Gastric Bypass (OAGB/MGB) as Revisional Surgery Following Primary Restrictive Bariatric Procedures: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis |
Kermansaravi, M.---Shahmiri, S.S.---DavarpanahJazi, A.H.---Valizadeh, R.---Berardi, G.---Vitiello, A.---Musella, M.---Carbajo, M.--- |
Obesity Surgery |
2020 |
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19 |
Single Anastomosis Sleeve-Jejunal Bypass: a New Method of Bariatric/Metabolic Surgery |
Pazouki, A.---Kermansaravi, M.--- |
Obesity Surgery |
2019 |
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20 |
Another Petersen’s Space Hernia After One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass: a Video Case Report |
Abbas, A.---Kermansaravi, M.---Eghbali, F.---Pazouki, A.--- |
Obesity Surgery |
2019 |
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21 |
Sleeve-Jejunal Bypass as an Alternative Procedure for Managing Leakage After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: a Case Report |
Nosrati, S.S.---Mousavimaleki, A.---Kermansaravi, M.--- |
Obesity Surgery |
2019 |
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22 |
Gastro-Intestinal Tract Cancers Following Bariatric Surgery: a Narrative Review |
Ebrahimi, R.---Kermansaravi, M.---Khalaj, A.---Eghbali, F.---Mousavi, A.---Pazouki, A.--- |
Obesity Surgery |
2019 |
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23 |
The impact of intraperitoneal dexmedetomidine with bupivacaine on patients’ postoperative pain in endometriosis laparoscopic surgery; a randomized, clinical trial |
Rokhgireh, S.---Mehdizadehkashi, A.---Vahdat, M.---Najmi, Z.---Taghavi Shoazi, N.---Astaraii, V.---Kermansaravi, M.---Hamid Reza Faiz, S.---Chaichian, S.---Mirgaloy Bayat, S.--- |
Shiraz E Medical Journal |
2019 |
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24 |
Small-bowel obstruction after modified jejunoileal bypass surgery due to gallstone ileus |
Kermansaravi, M.---Rokhgireh, S.---Jazi, A.H.D.---Pazouki, A.--- |
Journal of Research in Medical Sciences |
2019 |
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25 |
Gastric remnant perforation due to trocar site herniation after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass |
Ebrahimi, R.---Kermansaravi, M.---Eghbali, F.---Pazouki, A.--- |
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England |
2019 |
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26 |
A case of stapled resection of redundant diaphragm and early evisceration of gastrointestinal content |
Talebian, P.---Kermansaravi, M.---Pazouki, A.---Kabir, A.--- |
Wideochirurgia I Inne Techniki Maloinwazyjne |
2019 |
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27 |
One-anastomosis gastric bypass as an alternative procedure of choice in morbidly obese patients |
Solouki, A.---Kermansaravi, M.---Jazi, A.H.D.---Kabir, A.---Farsani, T.M.---Pazouki, A.--- |
Journal of Research in Medical Sciences |
2018 |
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مقاله کامل |
28 |
Laparoscopic total gastrectomy for a giant gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) with acute massive gastrointestinal bleeding: A case report |
Kermansaravi, M.---Rokhgireh, S.---Darabi, S.---Pazouki, A.--- |
Wideochirurgia I Inne Techniki Maloinwazyjne |
2017 |
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29 |
Successful laparoscopic right adrenalectomy in a morbidly obese patient with a large liver: A case report |
Kermansaravi, M.---Darabi, S.---Khalaj, A.---Pazouki, A.---Kabir, A.--- |
International Journal of Cancer Management |
2017 |
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مقاله کامل |
30 |
Severe hypoalbuminemia and steatohepatitis leading to death in a young vegetarian female, 8 months after mini gastric bypass: A case report |
Kermansaravi, M.---Abdolhosseini, M.R.---Kabir, A.---Pazouki, A.--- |
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports |
2017 |
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