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Dr Minoo Shahidi - Full CV


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Personal Information
Email address shahidi.miums.ac.ir
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Full name Dr. Minoo Shahidi
Place of birth
Marital status Married
Last field of study Immuno-hematology
Last university
Professional Information
Department گروه آموزشی هماتولوژی و انتقال خون
Academic degree
Associate Professor
Employ Status
Employ method
Contact Information
Telephone - Office/Work +9886704707
Full Address
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Brief CV

My areas of interest include:

1) Leukemia
2) Hemostasis 
3) Inflammation & Netosis
4) Regenerative medicine
5) Angiogenesis.

Educational records
# Course University City Country Graduation Date Total mean
1 Hematology & blood bank Tehran Iran
2 Medical Tecnology Ahvaz Iran
3 Immunology(Immuno-hematology) University of Surrey Guilford UK 2010 P.h.D
Course taught
# Lesson Title Place & Date of Lecture
1 Introduction to immunology: BSc students 2008-2009, UK
2 Practical Immunology: MSc students (2008-2010), UK
3 Practical Hematology: BSc students 2009-2010, UK
4 Practical Biochemistry and Immunology: BSc students (2008-2009),UK
5 Practical Biochemistry and Chemistry I: BSc students (2008-2009),UK
6 Demonstrating of Practical Cell and Molecular Biology: BSc students (2008-2010),UK
Published books
# Title Author(s) Publisher Publish Date Edition Publication Type
1 A chapter of an International Textbook Islam, Md Shahidul, ed. Thrombosis and Embolism: from Research to Clinical Practice. Springer International Publishing Dr Minoo Shahidi Springer 2017 Writing
2 Basic Hematology from Hematopoiesis to Hemoglobinopathy Dr Minoo Shahidi-Anita Asatorian-payam delfani Iran University of Medical Sciences 2009 Writing
3 Leukocytes and hematologic disorders: Published by Faculty of Allied Medicine Dr Minoo Shahidi-Dr Ahmad Kazemi Iran University of Medical Sciences 2005 Writing
4 A guide book for examination of medical technology (part of Haematology &Blood Banking Dr Minoo Shahid Andishe Rafi Writing
5 Techniques in Immunohematology Roodgoon & Sinateb Writing
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