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محل خدمت اعضای هیات علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران - اعضای هیات علمی دانشکده پزشکی - گروه آموزشی طب اورژانس
درجه علمی دکتری تخصصی
وضعیت استخدامی
نوع خدمت
اطلاعات تماس
تلفن محل کار 98 21 64352215
صندوق پستی
توصيف مختصر
نادر توکلی
دانشیار طب اورژانس
گروه طب اورژانس، دانشکده پزشکی
مرکز تحقیقات سوانح و مصدومیت
مجتمع آموزشی درمانی حضرت رسول اکرم (ص)
دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران
مقالات چاپ شده
# عنوان نگارندگان عنوان مجله سال انتشار نوع انتشار نوع مقاله
1 The effect of interprofessional education on healthcare providers' intentions to engage in interprofessional shared decision-making: Perspectives from the theory of planned behaviour Keshmiri, F.---Rezai, M.---Tavakoli, N.--- Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2020 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
2 Cost analysis of accidents according to demographic factors in Iran Hashempour, R.---Tahmasebi, A.---Veysi, M.---Amini, M.---Tavakoli, N.--- Iranian Journal of Public Health 2019 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
3 Hospital Preparedness Plans for Chemical Incidents and Threats: A Systematic Review Moradi Majd, P.---Seyedin, H.---Bagheri, H.---Tavakoli, N.--- Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 2019 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
4 The cost of health care services in urban and intercity road traffic accidents Amanollahi, A.---Hoseini Kasnavieh, M.---Tavakoli, N.---Veysi, M.---Tahmasebi, A.--- Iranian Journal of Public Health 2019 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
5 Application of data mining techniques for predicting residents' performance on pre-board examinations: A case study Amirhajlou, L.---Sohrabi, Z.---Alebouyeh, M.R.---Tavakoli, N.---Haghighi, R.Z.---Hashemi, A.---Asoodeh, A.--- Journal of Education and Health Promotion 2019 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
6 Protocol adherence in prehospital medical care provided for patients with chest pain and loss of consciousness; a brief report Mehrara, M.---Tavakoli, N.---Fathi, M.---Mahshidfar, B.---Zare, M.A.---Asadi, A.---Hosseinzadeh, S.---Safdarian, M.--- Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine 2019 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
7 Comparison of the efficacy of intravenous tranexamic acid with and without topical administration versus placebo in urgent endoscopy rate for acute gastrointestinal bleeding: A double-blind randomized controlled trial Tavakoli, N.---Mokhtare, M.---Agah, S.---Azizi, A.---Masoodi, M.---Amiri, H.---Sheikhvatan, M.---Syedsalehi, B.---Behnam, B.---Arabahmadi, M.---Mehrazi, M.--- United European Gastroenterology Journal 2018 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
8 Effect of polyglycolactic-Hydroxyapatite-CHITOSAN scaffold with mesenchymal stem cells on adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation Yeganeh, A.---Tavakoli, N.---Moghtadaei, M.--- Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 2018 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
9 The comparison of the effectiveness of in travenous morphine with oral pregabalin with intravenous morphine on pain intensity of limb fractured patients admitted to the emergency department Hoseini, S.M.---Zare, M.A.---Tavakoli, N.---Ghafoori, H.B.---Chahardoli, M.---Yasinzadeh, M.---Rahimzadeh, P.--- Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 2018 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
10 Comparing the effect of morphine and injecting lidocaine on reducing the acute pain of limb fracture: A randomized double-blind controlled clinical trial Shaker, S.H.---Kasnavieh, M.H.---Hasan, S.B.---Tavakoli, N.---Abbasi, M.---Masoumi, G.---Yasinzadeh, M.---Basirghafouri, H.--- Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 2018 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
11 Designing a clinical decision support system for managing and treating patients with the chief complaint of vertigo Tavakoli, N.---Vahdat, A.--- Journal of Isfahan Medical School 2018 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
12 Effectiveness of an interprofessional education model based on the transtheoretical model of behaviour change to improve interprofessional collaboration Keshmiri, F.---Rezai, M.---Mosaddegh, R.---Moradi, K.---Hafezimoghadam, P.---Zare, M.A.---Tavakoli, N.---Cheraghi, M.A.---Shirazi, M.--- Journal of Interprofessional Care 2017 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
13 A case of abdominal compartment syndrome presented with constipation and abdominal distension Tavakoli, N.---Majidi, M.---Hassani, S.A.---Ghafourian, N.---Shams Vahdati, S.---Jalilzadeh Binazar, M.--- Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 2017 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
14 Risk factors of delayed pre-hospital treatment seeking in patients with acute coronary syndrome: A prospective study Fathi, M.---Rahiminiya, A.---Zare, M.A.---Tavakoli, N.--- Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine 2015 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
15 Evaluation of appropriate and inappropriate admission and hospitalization days according to appropriateness evaluation protocol (AEP) Tavakoli, N.---Hosseini Kasnavieh, M.---Yasinzadeh, M.---Amini, M.---Nejad, M.M.--- Archives of Iranian Medicine 2015 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
16 Accuracy of bedside emergency physician performed ultrasound in diagnosing different causes of acute abdominal pain: A prospective study Hasani, S.A.---Fathi, M.---Daadpey, M.---Zare, M.A.---Tavakoli, N.---Abbasi, S.--- Clinical Imaging 2015 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
17 Combination of vasopressin – Epinephrine as a novel candidate in patients with cardiac arrest Ghafourian, N.---Maniae, N.H.---Taherikalani, M.---Mehrazi, M.---Hossieni, M.---Valian, F.---Karami, S.---Tavakoli, N.---Clinical Microbiology Research Center, Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Ilam, Iran--- Recent Advances in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery 2015 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
18 Blood lead level in opium dependents and its association with anemia: A cross-sectional study from the capital of Iran Domeneh, B.H.---Tavakoli, N.---Jafari, N.--- Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2014 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
19 Electrocardiographic findings and serum troponin i in carbon monoxide poisoned patients Hajsadeghi, S.---Tavakkoli, N.---Kerman, S.R.J.---Shahabadi, A.---Khojandi, M.--- Acta Medica Iranica 2012 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
20 Seminal vesicles cysts: Case reports and literature review Hessami, S.-M.---Hourang, M.-H.---Rasekhi, A.---Tavakoli, N.--- Archives of Iranian Medicine 2003 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
برگشت به صفحه کارنامه علمی