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محمد روحانی
دانشیار بیماری‌های مغز و اعصاب
گروه بیماری‌های مغز و اعصاب، دانشکده پزشکی
مجتمع آموزشی درمانی حضرت رسول اکرم (ص)
دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران
مقالات چاپ شده
# عنوان نگارندگان عنوان مجله سال انتشار نوع انتشار نوع مقاله
1 Persistent dystonia and basal ganglia involvement following metronidazole induced encephalopathy Omrani, A.---Rohani, M.---Hosseinpour, S.---Tavasoli, A.R.--- Neurological Sciences 2020 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
2 Frequency and outcome of olfactory impairment and sinonasal involvement in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 Jalessi, M.---Barati, M.---Rohani, M.---Amini, E.---Ourang, A.---Azad, Z.---Hosseinzadeh, F.---Cavallieri, F.---Ghadirpour, R.---Valzania, F.---Iaccarino, C.---Ahmadzadeh, A.---Farhadi, M.--- Neurological Sciences 2020 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
3 Endocrine Abnormalities in a Case of Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation Haeri, G.---Akhoundi, F.H.---Alavi, A.---Abdi, S.---Rohani, M.--- Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 2020 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
4 Diplopia in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Yazdi, N.---Ghamsari, M.R.---Shoeibi, A.---Rohani, M.--- Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 2020 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
5 Tongue Protrusion Dystonia in Pantothenate Kinase-Associated Neurodegeneration Saeedi, Y.---Kazemi, F.---Habibi, S.A.H.---Tafakhori, A.---Chitsaz, A.---Fasano, A.---Lang, A.E.---Rohani, M.--- Pediatric Neurology 2020 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
6 Cerebral peri-lead edema following deep brain stimulation surgery Habibi, S.A.H.---Shahidi, G.---Parvaresh, M.---Fasano, A.---Pouranian, M.---Yazdi, N.---Modara, F.---Mehdizadeh, M.---Taghizadeh, G.---Rohani, M.--- Neurological Sciences 2020 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
7 The role of transcranial sonography in differentiation of dementia subtypes: an introduction of a new diagnostic method Almasi-Dooghaee, M.---Rohani, M.---Imani, A.---Nadjafi, S.---Zamani, B.--- Neurological Sciences 2020 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
8 CAPN1 and hereditary spastic paraplegia: a novel variant in an Iranian family and overview of the genotype-phenotype correlation Rahimi Bidgoli, M.M.---Javanparast, L.---Rohani, M.---Najmabadi, H.---Zamani, B.---Alavi, A.--- International Journal of Neuroscience 2020 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
9 Late-Onset Mitochondrial Membrane Protein–Associated Neurodegeneration With Extensive Brain Iron Deposition Alavi, A.---Mokhtari, M.---Hajati, R.---Davarzani, A.---Fasano, A.---Lang, A.E.---Rohani, M.--- Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 2020 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
10 The prevalence and determinants of freezing of gait among iranian patients with parkinson’s disease Habibi, S.A.H.---Rahmani, S.S.---Goudarzi, S.---Rohani, M.---Shahidi, G.---Farazmand, B.---Vosough, F.---Vosough, F.---Modara, F.---Mahdizadeh, F.--- Journal of Advances in Medical and Biomedical Research 2020 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
11 BVVL/ FL: features caused by SLC52A3 mutations; WDFY4 and TNFSF13B may be novel causative genes Khani, M.---Shamshiri, H.---Taheri, H.---Hardy, J.---Bras, J.T.---Carmona, S.---Moazzeni, H.---Alavi, A.---Heshmati, A.---Taghizadeh, P.---Nilipour, Y.---Ghazanfari, T.---Shahabi, M.---Okhovat, A.A.---Rohani, M.---Valle, G.---Boostani, R.---Abdi, S.---Eshghi, S.---Nafissi, S.---Elahi, E.--- Neurobiology of Aging 2020 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
12 Patient-adjusted deep-brain stimulation programming is time saving in dystonia patients Bally, J.F.---Rohani, M.---Ruiz-Lopez, M.---Paramanandam, V.---Munhoz, R.P.---Hodaie, M.---Kalia, S.K.---Lozano, A.M.---Burkhard, P.R.---Poncet, A.---Fasano, A.--- Journal of Neurology 2019 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
13 Deep brain stimulation in status dystonicus caused by anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis Tavasoli, A.R.---Shahidi, G.---Parvaresh, M.---Fasano, A.---Ashrafi, M.R.---Hosseinpour, S.---Lang, A.E.---Rohani, M.--- Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2019 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
14 Midbrain area for differentiating Parkinson's disease from progressive supranuclear palsy Ghourchian, S.---Mousavi, A.---Zamani, B.---Shahidi, G.---Rohani, M.--- Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 2019 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
15 Gelastic Cataplexy in Niemann Pick Type C Yazdi, N.---Fasano, A.---Lang, A.E.---Rohani, M.--- Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 2019 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
16 Diagnostic delay in Parkinson's disease caused by PRKN mutations Ruiz-Lopez, M.---Freitas, M.E.---Oliveira, L.M.---Munhoz, R.P.---Fox, S.H.---Rohani, M.---Rogaeva, E.---Lang, A.E.---Fasano, A.--- Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2019 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
17 Beta-propeller protein associated neurodegeneration (BPAN); the first report of three patients from Iran with de novo novel mutations Rohani, M.---Fasano, A.---Akhoundi, F.H.---Haeri, G.---Lang, A.E.---Rahimi Bidgoli, M.M.---Javanparast, L.---Zamani, B.---Shahidi, G.---Alavi, A.--- Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2019 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
18 A novel homozygous variation in the PANK2 gene in two Persian siblings with atypical pantothenate kinase associated neurodegeneration Habibi, A.H.---Razmeh, S.---Aryani, O.---Rohani, M.---Taghavian, L.---Alizadeh, E.---Kokhedan, K.M.---Zaribafian, M.--- Neurology International 2019 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
19 Unusual gait disorders: a phenomenological approach and classification Paramanandam, V.---Lizarraga, K.J.---Soh, D.---Algarni, M.---Rohani, M.---Fasano, A.--- Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics 2019 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
20 Deep brain stimulation for pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration: A meta-analysis De Vloo, P.---Lee, D.J.---Dallapiazza, R.F.---Rohani, M.---Fasano, A.---Munhoz, R.P.---Ibrahim, G.M.---Hodaie, M.---Lozano, A.M.---Kalia, S.K.--- Movement Disorders 2019 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
21 Gait impairment in myoclonus–dystonia (DYT-SGCE) Haeri, G.---Shahidi, G.---Fasano, A.---Rohani, M.--- Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movements 2019 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
22 Giant Intracranial Aneurysm Mimicking Brain Tumor Fereydonyan, N.---Rohani, S.---Taheri, M.---Rohani, M.--- Neurohospitalist 2019 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
23 Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration mimicking Tourette syndrome: a case report and review of the literature Rohani, M.---Fasano, A.---Lang, A.E.---Zamani, B.---Javanparast, L.---Bidgoli, M.-M.R.---Alavi, A.--- Neurological Sciences 2018 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
24 Anteromedial GPi deep brain stimulation in Tourette syndrome: The first case series from Iran Azimi, A.---Parvaresh, M.---Shahidi, G.---Habibi, A.---Rohani, S.---Safdarian, M.---Fattahi, A.---Taheri, M.---Rohani, M.--- Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 2018 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
25 Reduced retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness in ALS patients: a window to disease progression Rohani, M.---Meysamie, A.---Zamani, B.---Sowlat, M.M.---Akhoundi, F.H.--- Journal of Neurology 2018 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
26 Oculogyric crises in PLA2G6 associated neurodegeneration Rohani, M.---Shahidi, G.---Vali, F.---Lang, A.E.---Slow, E.---Gahl, W.A.---Behnam, B.--- Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2018 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
27 Tardive akathisia with asymmetric and upper-body presentation: Report of two cases and literature review Shahidi, G.---Rohani, M.---Munhoz, R.P.---Akhoundi, F.H.--- Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movements 2018 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
28 Functional movement disorders arising after successful deep brain stimulation Breen, D.P.---Rohani, M.---Moro, E.---Mayberg, H.S.---Zurowski, M.---Lozano, A.M.---Fasano, A.--- Neurology 2018 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
29 Raphe nuclei echogenicity changes in obsessive-compulsive disorder Mohammadzade, N.---Shalbafan, M.R.---Shariat, S.V.---Zamani, B.---Shariati, B.---Omrani, F.---Rohani, M.--- Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran 2018 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
30 Abnormal movements induced by methanol toxicity Rohani, M.---Munhoz, R.P.---Haeri, G.--- Postgraduate Medical Journal 2017 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
31 Wilson’s disease presenting as central pontine myelinolysis Safdarian, M.---Munhoz, R.P.---Aghaei, M.---Rohani, M.--- Neurological Sciences 2017 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
32 Palatal tremor with audible click Rohani, M.---Mohseni, M.---Arami, M.---Rezazadeh, A.--- Postgraduate Medical Journal 2017 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
33 Rare presentation of pancreatic cancer: A case report Razmeh, S.---Ghurchian, Z.---Almasi, M.---Habibi, A.H.---Rohani, M.--- International Journal of Cancer Management 2017 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
34 Echogenicity of lentiform nucleus in different types of idiopathic dystonia Rohani, M.---Almasi, M.---Yousefpour, F.---Zamani, B.---Shahidi, G.--- Basal Ganglia 2017 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
35 Spinal cord stimulation in primary progressive freezing of gait Rohani, M.---Kalsi-Ryan, S.---Lozano, A.M.---Fasano, A.--- Movement Disorders 2017 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
36 Tremor-Dominant Pantothenate Kinase-associated Neurodegeneration Rohani, M.---Shahidi, G.---Alavi, A.---Lang, A.E.---Yousefi, N.---Razme, S.---Fasano, A.--- Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 2017 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
37 SCL20A2 mutation mimicking fluctuating Parkinson's disease Rohani, M.---Poon, Y.-Y.---Naranian, T.---Fasano, A.--- Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2017 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
38 Mycophenolate Mofetil for the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis-associated Uveitis Hedayatfar, A.---Falavarjani, K.G.---Soheilian, M.---Elmi Sadr, N.---Modarres, M.---Parvaresh, M.M.---Naseripour, M.---Rohani, M.---Almasi, M.---Chee, S.--- Ocular Immunology and Inflammation 2017 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
39 Two indications, one target: Concomitant epilepsy and Tourettism treated with Centromedian/parafascicular thalamic stimulation Picillo, M.---Rohani, M.---Lozano, A.M.---Fasano, A.--- Brain Stimulation 2017 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
40 SCA 35 presenting as isolated treatment-resistant dystonic hand tremor Fasano, A.---Hodaie, M.---Munhoz, R.P.---Rohani, M.--- Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2017 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
41 Basal ganglia calcification in a case of PKAN Fasano, A.---Shahidi, G.---Lang, A.E.---Rohani, M.--- Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2017 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
42 Focused ultrasound for essential tremor: Review of the evidence and discussion of current hurdles Rohani, M.---Fasano, A.--- Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movements 2017 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
43 Fatal Status Dystonicus in Tardive Dystonia Due to Depletion of Deep Brain Stimulation's Pulse Generator Rohani, M.---Munhoz, R.P.---Shahidi, G.---Parvaresh, M.---Miri, S.--- Brain Stimulation 2017 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
44 Supranuclear gaze palsy and hummingbird sign Rohani, M.---Almasi, M.--- Postgraduate Medical Journal 2016 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
45 Familial Horizontal Gaze Palsy With Progressive Scoliosis Rohani, M.---Almasi, M.---Soltan Sanjari, M.--- Pediatric Neurology 2016 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
46 Mutation in ADORA1 identified as likely cause of early-onset parkinsonism and cognitive dysfunction Jaberi, E.---Rohani, M.---Shahidi, G.A.---Nafissi, S.---Arefian, E.---Soleimani, M.---Moghadam, A.---Arzenani, M.K.---Keramatian, F.---Klotzle, B.---Fan, J.-B.---Turk, C.---Steemers, F.---Elahi, E.--- Movement Disorders 2016 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
47 Evaluation of 99mTc-TRODAT-1 SPECT in the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease versus other progressive movement disorders Fallahi, B.---Esmaeili, A.---Beiki, D.---Oveisgharan, S.---Noorollahi-Moghaddam, H.---Erfani, M.---Tafakhori, A.---Rohani, M.---Fard-Esfahani, A.---Emami-Ardekani, A.---Geramifar, P.---Eftekhari, M.--- Annals of Nuclear Medicine 2016 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
48 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis progression: Iran-ALS clinical registry, a multicentre study Shamshiri, H.---Fatehi, F.---Davoudi, F.---Mir, E.---Pourmirza, B.---Abolfazli, R.---Etemadifar, M.---Harirchian, M.H.---Gharagozli, K.---Ayromlou, H.---Basiri, K.---Zamani, B.---Rohani, M.---Sedighi, B.---Roudbari, A.---Delavar Kasmaei, H.---Nikkhah, K.---Ranjbar Naeini, A.---Nafissi, S.--- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration 2015 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
49 Identification of mutation in GTPBP2 in patients of a family with neurodegeneration accompanied by iron deposition in the brain Jaberi, E.---Rohani, M.---Shahidi, G.A.---Nafissi, S.---Arefian, E.---Soleimani, M.---Rasooli, P.---Ahmadieh, H.---Daftarian, N.---KaramiNejadRanjbar, M.---Klotzle, B.---Fan, J.-B.---Turk, C.---Steemers, F.---Elahi, E.--- Neurobiology of Aging 2015 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
50 Restless legs syndrome in hemodialysis patients in Iran Rohani, M.---Aghaei, M.---Jenabi, A.---Yazdanfar, S.---Mousavi, D.---Miri, S.--- Neurological Sciences 2015 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
51 Teaching Video NeuroImages: Hand tremor, tongue and perioral fasciculation in a patient with Kennedy disease Rohani, M.---Miri, S.--- Neurology 2015 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
52 Identification of p.Gln858* in ATP13A2 in two EOPD patients and presentation of their clinical features Malakouti-Nejad, M.---Shahidi, G.-A.---Rohani, M.---Shojaee, S.M.---Hashemi, M.---Klotzle, B.---Fan, J.-B.---Elahi, E.--- Neuroscience Letters 2014 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
53 Pallidal deep brain stimulation for the treatment of DYT6 dystonia: A case report and review of literature Miri, S.---Shahidi, G.A.---Parvaresh, M.---Rohani, M.--- Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran 2014 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
54 Pallidal deep brain stimulation for the treatment of DYT6 dystonia: A case report and review of literature Miri, S.---Shahidi, G.A.---Parvaresh, M.---Rohani, M.--- Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran 2014 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
55 Raphe nuclei echogenicity changes in major depression Ghourchian, S.---Zamani, B.---Poorkosary, K.---Malakouti, S.K.---Rohani, M.--- Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran 2014 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
56 Deep brain stimulation of globus pallidus internus for DYT1 positive primary generalized dystonia Miri, S.---Ghoreyshi, E.---Shahidi, G.A.---Parvaresh, M.---Rohani, M.---Saffari, M.--- Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran 2014 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
57 Repeat expansion in C9ORF72 is not a major cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis among iranian patients Alavi, A.---Nafissi, S.---Rohani, M.---Shahidi, G.---Zamani, B.---Shamshiri, H.---Safari, I.---Elahi, E.--- Neurobiology of Aging 2014 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
58 Comparison of chromosome instabilities (Chromosome breakage and aneusomy) between patients with early- onset Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease and normal controls using micronucleus assay Haddadan, S.G.---Sezavari, A.F.---Rohani, M.---Kamali, K.---Banihashemi, S.---Behjati, F.--- Genetics in the Third Millennium 2014 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
59 The novel mutation p.Asp251Asn in the β-subunit of succinate-CoA ligase causes encephalomyopathy and elevated succinylcarnitine Jaberi, E.---Chitsazian, F.---Ali Shahidi, G.---Rohani, M.---Sina, F.---Safari, I.---Malakouti Nejad, M.---Houshmand, M.---Klotzle, B.---Elahi, E.--- Journal of Human Genetics 2013 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
60 Cerebro vascular reactivity (CVR) of middle cerebral artery in response to CO25% inhalation in preeclamptic women Sariri, E.---Vahdat, M.---Behbahani, A.S.---Rohani, M.---Kashanian, M.--- Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 2013 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
61 Restless legs syndrome in Iranian patients with multiple sclerosis Miri, S.---Rohani, M.---Sahraian, M.A.---Zamani, B.---Shahidi, G.A.---Sabet, A.---Moradi-Lakeh, M.---Bodaghabadi, M.--- Neurological Sciences 2013 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
62 Retinal nerve changes in patients with tremor dominant and akinetic rigid Parkinson's disease Rohani, M.---Langroodi, A.S.---Ghourchian, S.---Falavarjani, K.G.---Soudi, R.---Shahidi, G.--- Neurological Sciences 2013 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
63 A study of factors associated with cerebral venous thrombosis Jalili, M.---Ghourchian, S.---Shahidi, G.A.---Rohani, M.---Rezvani, M.---Zamani, B.--- Neurological Sciences 2013 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
64 PANK2 and C19orf12 mutations are common causes of neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation Dezfouli, M.A.---Alavi, A.---Rohani, M.---Rezvani, M.---Nekuie, T.---Klotzle, B.---Tonekaboni, S.H.---Shahidi, G.A.---Elahi, E.--- Movement Disorders 2013 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
65 The diagnostic value of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide in differentiating cardioembolic ischemic stroke Hajsadeghi, S.---Kashani Amin, L.---Bakhshandeh, H.---Rohani, M.---Azizian, A.R.---Jafarian Kerman, S.R.--- Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 2013 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
66 Prevalence and associated features of restless legs syndrome in a population of Iranian women during pregnancy Vahdat, M.---Sariri, E.---Miri, S.---Rohani, M.---Kashanian, M.---Sabet, A.---Zamani, B.--- International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2013 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
67 Genetic analysis and SOD1 mutation screening in Iranian amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients Alavi, A.---Nafissi, S.---Rohani, M.---Zamani, B.---Sedighi, B.---Shamshiri, H.---Fan, J.-B.---Ronaghi, M.---Elahi, E.--- Neurobiology of Aging 2013 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
68 A rare case of cerebral fat embolism following mine explosion diagnosed by typical starfield pattern Ghourchian, S.---Jalili, M.---Rohani, M.--- Journal of Neurological Sciences 2013 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
69 Chorea-acanthocytosis: Report of three cases from Iran Karkheiran, S.---Bader, B.---Roohani, M.---Danek, A.---Shahidi, G.A.--- Archives of Iranian Medicine 2012 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
70 Remote cerebellar hemorrhage Rezazadeh, A.---Rohani, M.---Tahamy, S.A.--- Archives of Iranian Medicine 2011 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
71 Fulminant multiple sclerosis (MS) Rohani, M.---Ghourchian, S.--- Neurological Sciences 2011 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
72 Evaluation of cerebral vasomotor reactivity in Parkinson's disease: Is there any association with orthostatic hypotension? Zamani, B.---Mehrabani, M.---Fereshtehnejad, S.-M.---Rohani, M.--- Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 2011 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
73 PRKN, DJ-1, and PINK1 screening identifies novel splice site mutation in PRKN and two novel DJ-1 mutations Ghazavi, F.---Fazlali, Z.---Banihosseini, S.S.---Hosseini, S.-R.---Kazemi, M.H.---Shojaee, S.---Parsa, K.---Sadeghi, H.---Sina, F.---Rohani, M.---Shahidi, G.-A.---Ghaemi, N.---Ronaghi, M.---Elahi, E.--- Movement Disorders 2011 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
74 Idiopathic intracranial hypertension with complete oculomotor palsy Rezazadeh, A.---Rohani, M.--- Neurology India 2010 مقاله کامل مقاله کامل
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