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عنوان |
نگارندگان |
عنوان مجله |
سال انتشار |
نوع انتشار |
نوع مقاله |
1 |
How does functional constipation affect growth status in children? |
Yousefi, A.---Mohamadian, S.---Sharifabadi, P.M.---Nakhaei, S.---Norouzi, E.--- |
Iranian Journal of Pediatrics |
2019 |
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2 |
Association of IL-10 and TGF-beta cytokine gene polymorphisms with autoimmune hepatitis |
Yousefi, A.---Zare Bidoki, A.---Shafioyoun, A.---Sadr, M.---Varzaneh, F.N.---Shabani, M.---Motamed, F.---Farahmand, F.---Khodadad, A.---Fallahi, G.---Najafi, M.---Rezaei, N.--- |
Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology |
2019 |
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3 |
A study of familial aggregation of habitual constipation |
Yousefi, A.---Ardakan, M.T.---Nakhaei, S.---Najafi, M.---Behnoud, N.--- |
Iranian Journal of Pediatrics |
2019 |
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4 |
The resistance rate of helicobacter pylori to clarithromycin and main mutations on bacterial genomic responsible for bacterial resistance: a comparative study in children and adults, Tehran and Iran |
Yousefi, A.---Eslami, S.---Noorbakhsh, S.---Haghighi, M.---Taherinia, L.---Ehsanipour, F.---Ashouri, S.--- |
Infectious Disorders - Drug Targets |
2019 |
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5 |
Association of interleukin-6 and interleukin-1 family gene polymorphisms in autoimmune hepatitis |
Yousefi, A.---Najafi, M.---Motamed, F.---Mahmoudi, E.---Bidoki, A.Z.---Sadr, M.---Rahmani, F.---Farhmand, F.---Khodadad, A.---Fallahi, G.---Rezaei, N.--- |
Annals of Hepatology |
2018 |
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6 |
Autoimmune hepatitis association with single nucleotide polymorphism of interleukin-2, but not interferon-gamma |
Yousefi, A.---Mahmoudi, E.---Baradaran Noveiry, B.---Zare Bidoki, A.---Sadr, M.---Motamed, F.---Najafi, M.---Farahmand, F.---Khodadad, A.---Fallahi, G.H.---Rezaei, N.--- |
Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology |
2018 |
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7 |
IL4 gene polymorphisms in Iranian patients with autoimmune hepatitis |
Yousefi, A.---Mahmoudi, E.---Zare Bidoki, A.---Najmi Varzaneh, F.---Baradaran Noveiry, B.---Sadr, M.---Motamed, F.---Najafi, M.---Farahmand, F.---Rezaei, N.--- |
Expert Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology |
2016 |
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8 |
Probiotics on fecal calprotectin of cystic fibrosis. Reply |
Yousefi, A.---Shafieyoun, A.---Fallahi, G.---Rezaei, N.--- |
The Turkish journal of pediatrics |
2014 |
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9 |
The effect of probiotics on fecal calprotectin in patients with cystic fibrosis |
Fallahi, G.---Motamed, F.---Yousefi, A.---Shafieyoun, A.---Najafi, M.---Khodadad, A.---Farhmand, F.---Ahmadvand, A.---Rezaei, N.--- |
Turkish Journal of Pediatrics |
2013 |
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10 |
Familial congenital hepatic fibrosis: Report of a family with three affected children |
Farahmand, F.---Soleimani, K.---Hashemi, M.---Shafieyoun, A.---Rezaei, N.---Yousefi, A.--- |
Acta Medica Iranica |
2013 |
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11 |
Erythropoietic protoporphyria and early onset of cholestasis |
Khalili, M.---Farahmand, F.---Hirbod-Mobarakeh, A.---Yousefi, A.---Sotoudeh, S.---Monajemzadeh, M.---Razaghian, A.---Rezaei, N.--- |
Turkish Journal of Pediatrics |
2012 |
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12 |
Red flags of organic recurrent abdominal pain in children: Study on 100 subjects |
Motamed, F.---Mohsenipour, R.---Seifirad, S.---Yusefi, A.---Farahmand, F.---Khodadad, A.---Falahi, G.---Najafi, M.--- |
Iranian Journal of Pediatrics |
2012 |
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13 |
Sensitivity and specificity of self-reported symptoms for exercise-induced bronchospasm diagnosis in children |
Bavarian, B.---Mehrkhani, F.---Ziaee, V.---Yousefi, A.---Nourian, R.--- |
Iranian Journal of Pediatrics |
2009 |
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14 |
Retinopathy of prematurity among 1000-2000 gram birth weight Newborn infants |
Khatami, S.F.---Yousefi, A.---Bayat, G.F.---Mamuri, G.--- |
Iranian Journal of Pediatrics |
2008 |
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15 |
The prevalence of exercise-induced bronchospasm in soccer player children, ages 7 to 16 years |
Ziaee, V.---Yousefi, A.---Movahedi, M.---Mehrkhani, F.---Noorian, R.--- |
Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology |
2007 |
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