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عنوان |
نگارندگان |
عنوان مجله |
سال انتشار |
نوع انتشار |
نوع مقاله |
1 |
Comparison of vortioxetine and sertraline for treatment of major depressive disorder in elderly patients: A double-blind randomized trial |
Borhannejad, F.---Shariati, B.---Naderi, S.---Shalbafan, M.---Mortezaei, A.---Sahebolzamani, E.---Saeb, A.---Hosein Mortazavi, S.---Kamalzadeh, L.---Aqamolaei, A.---Ali Noorbala, A.---Namazi-Shabestari, A.---Akhondzadeh, S.--- |
Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics |
2020 |
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2 |
Working in the emergency and inpatient COVID-19 special wards: A different experience for Iranian psychiatric trainees amid the outbreak |
Shariati, B.---Eftekhar Ardebili, M.---Shalbafan, M.--- |
Asian Journal of Psychiatry |
2020 |
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3 |
L-Carnosine combination therapy for major depressive disorder: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial |
Araminia, B.---Shalbafan, M.---Mortezaei, A.---Shirazi, E.---Ghaffari, S.---Sahebolzamani, E.---Mortazavi, S.H.---Shariati, B.---Ardebili, M.E.---Aqamolaei, A.---Naderi, S.---Akhondzadeh, S.--- |
Journal of Affective Disorders |
2020 |
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4 |
Perceived burden of dementia care, clinical, psychological and demographic characteristics of patients and primary caregivers in Iran |
Kamalzadeh, L.---Salehi, M.---Rashedi, V.---Ahmadzad Asl, M.---Malakouti, S.K.---Seddigh, R.---Almasi-Doghaee, M.---Shariati, B.--- |
Applied Neuropsychology:Adult |
2020 |
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5 |
Management of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents: A national clinical guideline |
Hakim Shsooshtari, M.---Bolhari, J.---Shariati, B.---Kamalzadeh, L.---Memaryan, N.---Nadoushan, A.H.J.---Davari, R.---Razjouyan, K.--- |
Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology |
2020 |
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6 |
The relationship between spiritual well-being and care burden in unofficial caregivers of elderly patients with dementia |
Salehi, M.---Asl, M.A.---Seddigh, R.---Rashedi, V.---Almasi-Dooghaee, M.---Kamalzadeh, L.---Shariati, B.--- |
Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology |
2020 |
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7 |
Prevalence of Dementia Among Older Patients: A Hospital-Based Study in Iran |
Kamalzadeh, L.---Moghaddamnia, M.---Malakouti, S.K.---Rashedi, V.---Bahrampour, S.---Sharifi, N.---Talebi, M.---Sina, F.---Shariati, B.--- |
American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and other Dementias |
2019 |
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8 |
Comparison between the personality traits of the parents with children addicted to methamphetamines and that of the parents of the healthy children |
Shariati, B.---Soraya, S.---Seddigh, R.---Keshavarz-Akhlaghi, A.-A.---Azarnik, S.--- |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research |
2018 |
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9 |
Experience of living with patients with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder: A qualitative study |
Shariati, B.---Akhlaghi, A.A.K.---Azarnik, S.---Goodarzi, Z.T.---Seddigh, R.--- |
Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences |
2018 |
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10 |
Why the caregivers of bipolar patients need to be in constant touch with a physician: A qualitative study of text messages from patient caregivers to a physician |
Seddigh, R.---Keshavarz-Akhlaghi, A.-A.---Azarnik, S.---Bahrmpour, S.---Shariati, B.--- |
Electronic Journal of General Medicine |
2018 |
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11 |
Raphe nuclei echogenicity changes in obsessive-compulsive disorder |
Mohammadzade, N.---Shalbafan, M.R.---Shariat, S.V.---Zamani, B.---Shariati, B.---Omrani, F.---Rohani, M.--- |
Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran |
2018 |
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12 |
Drug attitude inventory in patients with bipolar disorder: Psychometric properties |
Shariati, B.---Shabani, A.---Ariana-Kia, E.---Ahmadzad-Asl, M.---Alavi, K.---Behbahani, Z.M.---Ghasemzadeh, M.R.---Hasani, S.---Ghiasi, Z.---Kashaninasab, F.---Esmaeeli, S.T.---Najjarzadegan, M.R.---Kheirolahi, A.---Beihaghi, M.---Shariat, S.V.---Nohesara, S.--- |
Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences |
2018 |
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13 |
Participating in university entrance exam despite repeated failure: a qualitative study of participants' experiences |
Seddigh, R.---Abdollahpour, E.---Azarnik, S.---Shariati, B.---Keshavarz-Akhlaghi, A.-A.--- |
International journal of medical education |
2016 |
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14 |
Intestinal perforation due to foreign body ingestion in a schizophrenic patient |
Zarei, M.---Shariati, B.---Bidaki, R.--- |
International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction |
2016 |
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15 |
Intestinal Perforation Due to Foreign Body Ingestion in a Schizophrenic Patient |
مینا زارعی---بهنام شریعتی---رضا بیدکی--- |
International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction |
2016 |
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16 |
Suicide risk factors in Iranian patients with bipolar disorder: A 21- month follow-up from BDPF study |
Shabani, A.---Teimurinejad, S.---Koka, S.---Asl, M.A.---Shariati, B.---Behbahan, Z.M.---Ghasemzadeh, M.R.---Hasani, S.---Taban, M.---Shirekhoda, S.---Ghorbani, Z.---Tat, S.---Nohesara, S.---Shariat, S.V.--- |
Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences |
2013 |
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17 |
Quality of life in patients with bipolar i disorder: Is it related to disorder outcome? |
Shabani, A.---Ahmadzad-Asl, M.---Zangeneh, K.---Teimurinejad, S.---Kokar, S.---Taban, M.---Shariati, B.---Behbahani, Z.M.---Ghasemzadeh, M.---Hasani, S.---Nohesara, S.---Tat, S.---Shirkhoda, S.---Ghorbani, Z.---Shariat, S.V.--- |
Acta Medica Iranica |
2013 |
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18 |
Persian translation of perception of Psychiatry Survey questionnaire and evaluation of its psychometric properties |
Artounian, V.---Shariati, B.---Amini, H.---Salimi, A.---Nejatisafa, A.-A.--- |
Iranian Journal of Psychiatry |
2012 |
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19 |
Depression, quality of life and glycemic control in patients with diabetes |
Safa, A.N.---Larijani, B.---Shariati, B.---Amini, H.---Rezagholizadeh, A.--- |
Iranian Journal of Diabetes and Lipid Disorders |
2007 |
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20 |
افسردگی، کیفیت زندگی و کنترل قند خون در بیماران مبتلا به دیابت |
علی اکبر نجاتی صفا---باقر لاریجانی---بهنام شریعتی---همایون امینی---عادله رضاقلی زاده--- |
مجله دیابت و متابولیسم ایران |
1386 |
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