پروفسور محمد اکبری
مهارت ها
فعالیت ها
Personal Information:
Name: Mohammad Akbari
Gender: Mail
Date and place of birth: October 24th 1964. Iran,
Marital status: Married,
Nationality: Iranian
Mailing address: School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Zpi, 1545913187, Tehran, Iran
Telephone (home): +98(21) 46129325
Telephone (work): +98(21) 22228051-2, Fax (work): +98(21) 22220946

E-Mail: Akbari.mo@iums.ac.ir 

Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.):  Physical Therapy: School of Rehabilitation Sciences (SORS),   
    Iran University of Medical Sciences (IUMS), Tehran, Iran - April 1987.
Master of Science (M. Sc.): Physical Therapy: SORS, IUMS, Tehran, Iran - February 1989.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares   
         University, December, 2002.
Title of PhD thesis: Investigation of balance problems in grade 1& 2 unilateral lateral ankle sprains and comparison of the effects of 2 physiotherapy protocols.
Academic Experience
Instructor and Clinical Supervisor: Physiotherapy Department, SORS, IUMS, Tehran, Iran, Since July 1987.
Senior lecturer: SORS, IUMS, Tehran, Iran- Since July 1987.
Assistant Professor: SORS, IUMS, Tehran, Iran – Since April 2003.
Associate Professor: SORS, IUMS, Tehran, Iran – Since March 2008.
Professor: SORS, IUMS, Tehran, Iran – Since March 2014
Member of Physical therapy and Technical orthopaedics Board in Health Ministry of  
Iran- Since April 2007 to August 2014.
 Member of the Board of Scientific Iranian Physical Therapy Association-Since April    

Work Experience

Financial Deputy: SORS, IUMS, Tehran, Iran - Since October 2007- July2010
Financial secretary of scientific Iranian Physical Therapy association- Since April 2008- october 2016,
Instrumental Experience: Biodex Balance System and Rscan.